Tourist guides to Barcelona

Top tourist guides to Barcelona available online. These are great sources to plan a day out and about Barcelona.

Time Out Barcelona guide

TimeOut Barcelona guide

The print version of TimeOut’s Barcelona guide has got to be one of the very best available. A party game for those that live here: Yes, but does it include…? And, inevitably it seems, it does.

They recommend it, you can safely go for it.

The website doesn’t include all the print version does, and if you are coming to Barcelona, isn’t something you can carry around in your pocket going to be so much more convenient…?

There’s also a weekly print magazine version of TimeOut Barcelona, in Catalan only.


Highly recommended
The Municipal Tourist Board runs this Visit Barcelona website with the aim of promoting the city as a tourist destination. It has a lot of information of all kinds and is one of the best Barcelona sites.

Note also the neat Barcelona Apps the Tourist Board has created.

The main actual Barcelona tourist board information office itself is in the SE corner of Plaza Catalunya, located underground on the other side of the road from the Corte Inglés department store. tourist guide

Barcelona tourists guide

The Spanish Tourist Board have quite an impressive Barcelona section (not to mention the rest of Spain). It has extensive information on accommodation, museums and restaurants and the like, as well as a good section on what to do with children in Barcelona.

We liked: The information and suggestions on places to visit outside Barcelona
Not so hot: With so much information, a little hard to find things

Lonely Planet Barcelona travel guide

We’re not impressed by the Lonely Planet Barcelona site. Pretty nice designed site but we don’t like the copy (kind of naff) and looks as if it hasn’t been either updated or ever properly researched in the first place. Some issues found whith links not taking you where you were expecting.

Ok… you only just heard about some place called “Barcelona”? It will give you a very brief outline – but then you want to surf off somewhere else.

Barcelona free tours

Do you prefer a guide to accompany you? Here you have the best free tours of Barcelona to discover and learn about the city.

Don’t get lost